Site Review

Porn Tube

narutohentaidb is your destination if you want a good database of hentai porn. When you’ll enter, you’ll see a little description done by the authors. They will tell you how you can browse your way around. Underneath, you will see a bunch of characters that can be accessed via a mouse click and for every single one of them, you will find out the number of photos that have been added. Choose your destiny and push – here you go! A lot of hentai porn at your disposal …

The side navigation bar will give you a special drop down menu where you can view random photos, the most visited ones, the best rated ones, recently uploaded and pics by user.

If you know what you are looking for, you will be able to use the search function box to filter the content and you can also register a free account to have some extra features under your fingertips.

I said it before, I am not a big fan of this porn genre, but this doesn’t mean that you are not also. If you like it, go with it – NarutoHentaiDB is alright and you will have enough content to see. Enter!